Battling javascript contortion with lisp (of all things)
I’m pleased to report that my crazy notions of replacing javascript metaprogramming with lisp metaprogramming appear to be headed steadily in the direction of success. It’d take a while to explain exactly what I’m up to (and the reasoning behind it), but essentially I’m trying to solve the same problem that async.js, narrative javascript and strands all try to solve: asynchronous callbacks are ugly, error-prone and downright confusing.
All of the above mentioned tools are unsatisfactory in various ways. Both narrative javascript and strands are complex enough that I uncovered serious bugs in both reasonably quickly. async.js is much more stable (and I actually have a working application with it), but still requires very careful programming and only works on mozilla browsers.
So I set forth with parenscript, which is essentially javascript dressed up as lisp. It doesn’t make for any prettier javascript, but it does make for one hell of a metaprogramming opportunity using lisp macros.
The aim is to convert straightforward, procedural-style code into the contortion required to appease asynchronous callbacks. I’m certainly not done yet, but I do have some compelling proof to show that it’s a plausible thing to do with lisp. Here’s a contrived example for, say, getting all items from whatever feed the supplied item-id belongs to. This involves getting the item to find the feed it belongs to, then returning all items contained within that feed. The “store” objects in this scenario refer to lawnchair stores, which do asynchronous local datastore lookups:
(asyncfun get-sibling-items (item-id)
(defer item (item-store.get id))
(console.log (+ "item belongs to feed: " item.feed-id))
(defer feed (feed-store.get item.feed-id))
(ret feed.all-items))
And here is the generated javascript:
function getSiblingItems(itemId, cb) {
itemStore.get (id, function (item) {
console.log('item belongs to feed: ' + item.feedId);
feedStore.get(item.feedId, function (feed) {
This is just a simple example, but the lisp code still shows a remarkable reduction of both noise and contorted control-flow, and the generated code ought to work in all browsers. Worth pursuing, certainly.