Post archive:
Nix remains my superpower
Indoor Skydiving
Nix cross-compilation: what even is it?
runix: run nix software without nix
nix-wrangle: Manage nix sources and dependencies with ease
A journey towards better nix package development
Bash arrays and `set -u`
Running a child process in Ruby (properly)
Software Maintenance and Author Intent
Midori Blog: The Error Model
Low-Poly Wren
Running gnome-shell nested in a Xephyr window
Heads up: new handle
Figuring out what transducers are good for (by trying to use them for a bunch of problems in JavaScript)
Force a specific shell for sshd
OS Technologies To Watch
NixOS and Stateless Deployment
Escaping an array of command-line arguments in C#
Doing stuff when files change
Oni Conductance
direnv: Convenient project-specific environments
Announcing the gup build tool
Passing arrays as arguments in bash
StratifiedJS 0.14 released
Module resolution with npm / nodejs
0env: Using ZeroInstall feeds interactively
pkcon, the cross-distro package manager CLI
Beach stereos
My new bash script prelude
Interpolating 3D Stereo Pairs
Systemd Socket Activation in Python
Christmas in Tasmania
Shellshape arrives on
IPython's new notebook feature
Seagulls taking flight
Why Piep
Looking for a good javascript mocking library
Cool projects I learnt about at lca2012
Mentally ignoring files in git
Ruby's split() function makes me feel special (in a bad way)
Node.js child processes
Stereoscoper and the Depth of Awesomeness
Experiment: Using Zero-Install as a Plugin Manager
Tame.JS: Async Flow Control
Personas: The Missing Piece of Google+ Relationships
The most annoying chrome bug arrives in firefox
Shellshape: A Tiling Window Manager for Gnome Shell
Node.js is backwards