
Doing things my own way is too much effort, I just use niv these days :)

My last post was more than a year ago, in which I described my long journey towards better package management with nix.

Well, it turns out that journey wasn’t over. Since then, I’ve been using the tools I created and found them unfortunately lacking.

So, I’ve built just one more tool, to replace those described in the previous post.

I’m writing this assuming you’ve read the previous post, otherwise I’d be repeating myself a lot. If you haven’t, just check out nix-wrangle and don’t worry about my previous attempts ;)

Step 7: nix-wrangle for development, dependency management and releases

After a lot of mulling over the interconnected problems described in that previous post (and discussions with the creators of similar tools), I came at it from a new direction. Nix wrangle is the result of that approach. I’ve been using it fairly successfully for a while now, and I’m ready to announce it to the world.

How does it differ from my previous state of using nix-update-source and nix-pin?

  • One JSON file for all dependencies, allowing bulk operations like show and update, as well as automating dependency injection (since all dependencies are known implicitly).
  • A splice command which takes a nix derivation file, injects a synthetic src attribute baking in the current source from the nix-wrangle JSON file. This allows you to keep an idiomatic nix file for local development (using a local source), and automatically derive an expression using the latest public sources for inclusion in nixpkgs proper.
  • Project-local development overrides. The global heuristic of nix-pin caused issues and some confusion, nix-wrangle supports local sources for exactly the same purpose, but with an explicit, project level scope.

Please check it out if you use nix! And if you don’t use nix, check that out first :)