is the dumping ground for my ideas, thoughts and random links.
If you just want to get in touch, you can talk to me in an emailwardly fashion here.
→ 29 June 2005. Tags: illustration, image
A vector image based (somewhat loosely) on a photo I took on a walk up to the peak of Mt Buller last year.
→ 31 March 2005. Tags: image, photo
A view out from near McAllister springs, taken on a hike up Mt Howitt.
→ 31 March 2005. Tags: image, photo, stereo
A stereo picture of a very colourful grasshopper, care of the awesome macro mode on my new digicam.
→ 15 July 2004. Tags: image, photo, panorama
A horizontal panorama I took on a holiday of a bay breakwater.
→ 15 July 2004. Tags: image, photo, stereo
A stereo photo from the other end of the same breakwater.
A vertical panorama of erskine falls, Lorne.