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In any OSX “document window”, there is a little icon representing the current document. If you click and hold this icon, it becomes a draggable alias for the file. You can then use that alias much as you would the file itself (as if you had dragged it from the finder) - but one thing you can’t do is delete the file by dropping it in the trash.

Trashy is a simple program to fix that. Put it in your dock, and it will send anything you drag onto it into the trash. Click here to download Trashy.

Here’s the entire source code applescript, if you’re curious (or just naturally suspicious of running random programs you found on internet, as you ought to be):

on open fileList
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with f in fileList
			set n to 0
			repeat while class of f is alias file
				if n is less than 5 then
					set n to n + 1
					set f to original item of f
				end if
			end repeat
			move f to the trash
		end repeat
	end tell
end open

on run
	tell application "Finder" to open the trash
end run


I like it when they go BOOOM!

  • small child, watching fireworks

PicLens - Immersive image viewing for the web

Great plugin (mac & windows only, sorry matt :p) for viewing picture galleries / sets. Comes with support for flickr, google image search, facebook, deviantart & youtube.

(view link)


…because nothing says dictatorship like arresting people for eating ice-cream

[I made this]

A Lightweight Metadata manager for OSX, allowing you to easily tag and rate any type of file (which is then indexed by spotlight). This is basically my iPhoto replacement now, after spending a week trying to fix its broken database, orphan files, duplicates and all that rubbish. This is much simpler, and it can be used to tag any type of file I want.

This is the result of 2 days work, and just 400 lines of code. That’s pretty decent in my book, the combination of python and cocoa is a pretty powerful beast. Once you get past all the runtime errors and pyobjc bridge troubles, that is…

(view link)