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.NET (the good kind)

So I finally got off my ass and actually, for reals, purchased my own domain name. will be all mine for the forseeable future - please update your bookmarks accordingly (RSS users should be using the feedburner proxy, so you shouldn’t need to do anything).

Let me know if anything breaks, mmkay?


The economy is slowing down. Buy delicious shoes in case you have to eat them.


“I met the walrus” - great animaton accompanying an interview with John Lennon from 1969

Locations and methods of transport in (slightly) popular culture that I would be reluctant to visit / use.

On the contrary, Elsewhereville sounds like it could be a relaxing destination.

39 Masterpieces Of Creative Advertisements

My favourite: save your forests

(view link)


Adam Savage inhales sulfur hexafluoride