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why so phallic, google?

  • me, while searching for python code coverage tools (specifically, “figleaf” and “pinnochio”). I found other things instead…


I’ve been working on this a little while now. At work, I use ruby. It has its good points, but my language of choice is still python. I am, however, blown away by rspec. So I’ve tried to bring some of its features into python (namely and should_receive matchers).

Thus was born mocktest. The readme has all the examples you should need to start using it in your own testing code.

It’s also available from the cheese shop, which means you can just run easy_install mocktest to install it on your system.

I should note that this code builds upon the excellent Mock library by Michael Foord.

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QR Code Generator

It would probably be cooler if I had a mobile phone that could read these things, but it’s cool nonetheless :)

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The only thing I ever use Lynx for is Googling how to configure

Man Transports 20 bricks on his head (video)

what more can I say? He throws them up there himself, as well…

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Backup your entrire disk to an XML file!

What a brilliant idea!


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